Monday, December 12, 2011

Should your work management really be monitoring your face-book account?

Or should we all go back to my-space instead and use our made up names. I think it is wrong people should be able to say how they feel without the risk of being penalised because they are honest. Work should stop at work not follow your private life right?|||They can't monitor it if you don't give them access to view just keep it private. Nowadays everyone from police and advertisers to work management look at your facebook for information about you and your habits and while it is an intrusive its also preventable.|||It's easy enough to stop them. Use the security settings to stop them seeing it and don't be friends with people who you wouldn't want to see your posts.

Of course the alternative option is use common sense when updating your facebook status. Think about the consequences of your actions|||I agree. I can have a rant to a friend and thats it. I publish it on facebook and I can get sacked! I guess the answer is to either not rant or make damn sure your boss cant see it!

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