Monday, December 12, 2011

What is a cash management account?

I'm doing research on it for an assignment and cant find anything on what it is|||Cash management is how you manage your cash. It is actually called cash flow management. Assuming you make $ 1,000 dollars a month this can be categorized as your inflow then your expenses is your outflow assuming you spend Gas is 100, rent is 200, utilities is 150. food is 300 all of this is per month your outflow is 750 so at the end of the month you have and ending cash balance of 250 add this to the inflow of 1,000 that you make when you already have the money then your starting inflow will be 1250 subtract your usual 750 monthly expenses and you will not have your cash balance for the succeeding month will be 500. Cash management is a tool that you can use so you do not spend more than what you earn good luck|||look up money market

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