Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why do i keep getting an account management message for halo 2 on the 360? I cant find the dang message.?

What i mean is is that i want to play halo 2 online for the first time on my 360 but i keep getting a message saying i have to read a message in the account management page, but everytime i go there i cant find any message and it wont let me play halo 2 online until i read it.|||I'm sure that someone will see your question and help you...but just so you know in the future....this category is for Yahoo! 360 blog pages....not the Xbox 360 game unit. You might have better luck getting an answer if you try going to the category called Games %26amp; Recreation...then once in there...choose the subcategory called Video %26amp; Online Games. Hope someone answers your question for you tho! Sounds like it's quite frustrating trying to chase down a message that you can't even find! Good Luck!

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