differences between financial account,cost account and management|||Financial accounting focuses on the public dissemination of accurate knowledge to potential investors and shareholders in a company. In lay English, this translates to reporting the number of a company as accurately as possible so that you know whether or not you want to risk your money by investing in that company. This investment can be in the form of loans, bonds, or equity, as well as other more convoluted financial instruments. Ultimately, your decision is influenced both by what you are thinking of investing in (whether a liability or equity) and how that company performs compared to similar companies in similar industries.
Cost accounting is directly related to managerial accounting, as most of managerial accounting does not emphasize so much on what's coming in, but what you're spending to make that money come in. A lot of departments do not produce revenue for a company, particularly administrative ones, so most of a managerial accountant's time is occupied with analyzing the cost. Generally speaking, cost accounting is not publicly stated knowledge, and is kept under tight supervision to ensure private company information is not seen by competitors.|||To understand the different types of accounting and the differences between them, please visit
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