Thursday, December 8, 2011

TD Waterhouse - Account Management Fees?


A friend recommended me to open an account with TD Waterhouse a few months ago but i have never used it and don't intend to for some time.

I want to close my account but need to pay my account management fees first - where/how do i pay these?|||find out how much the fees are and mail it into a td ameritrade branch, or you can take it to a branch.|||Does TD AMERITRADE charge a maintenance fee? TD AMERITRADE does not charge any maintenance fees, regardless of whether or not your balance or trading activity drops below a certain level.

if you want to close your account"

you have to sign a closing document to make it official or else you might continue to acquire any new fees. I highly recommend you contact a service rep to get that form to you. GoodLuck

Client Services Representative 800-669-3900 or 402-970-5805

(Spanish available upon request)

For Cantonese and Mandarin


Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system 800-669-3900

New Accounts Representative 800-454-9272


If You're calling from a country not listed on the AT%26amp;T International Toll-Free Dialing Guide, use our local (not toll free) international number: 800-368-3668


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